“An extraordinary vision by a master of technique and insight.”
– David Woodcock, Professor, Department of Architecture, Texas A&M University
FLOOD River Village City Storm Deluge
84 pages with 66 full-page drawings in six chapters
Enter Ciani or Flood in the BOOKSTORE at
Three Things to Know About This Book:
1. RESPONSE TO DROUGHT: It was a response to the great Texas drought of 2011. Two years later I looked out from Berkeley toward San Francisco and saw a city of white towers rising above the fog, and the Golden Gate bridge, and other bridges, and round hills – as if there were villages connected around the sparkling bay. I had a lurch of the heart and decided "I will draw water, abundant water." I had never drawn water before. Only later did I realized that the drawings were a response to that disastrous drought, my first brush with climate change. I had suffered heat and drought, so I would draw cool water!
2. TOO MANY IDEAS: Every morning I had a cup of coffee, closed my eyes, and drew whatever image came to me that day. I found a calligraphic line that flowed down the page. I used a vertical format and high horizon line so that the tipped ground plane became a stage for the action of flowing water. I played with 3D forms on the ground plane rather than 2D shapes on the picture plane as I had usually done before. I drew for almost two years on the West Coast and the East, in Berkeley, Bolinas, Belfast, Washington DC, and home again in Austin and College Station.
3, FINDING THE STORY: I shuffled the drawings like storyboard sketches – as did my animation students – and found a timeline from first rivers, to villages in harmony with the river, to cities ignoring the river, and then storm – the age we lived in when I drew the work – and finally deluge, the future. I realized – only as I was hanging the drawings in a show – that this narrative had two meanings: the story of climate change, and the story of a life.
I worked as a book designer in New York City for three years, and in San Francisco for two, so it was a pleasure to put this book together using the tools of